Dave Gill

Deploying a Loco for Rust Chat Room Application


Loco is a new framework that aims to be the Rust equivalent of Rails. This is an ambitious goal, given Rust's different paradigms and ecosystem. In this post, I'll walk you through my experience of deploying a Loco-built chat room application on a Linux (Ubuntu) server.

Getting Started

Forking and Setting Up the Project

I started by forking the chat-rooms example repository from Loco. After cloning it to my local machine, I ran into a couple of issues with Cargo dependencies. Here's how I resolved them:

I ran cargo update to ensure all dependencies were at their latest compatible versions.

With this completed, I had the project running locally and was ready to tackle deployment.

Deployment Process

Creating a Systemd Service

To run our chat room application as a service on Ubuntu, we'll use systemd. Here's how to create a new service file:

  1. Create and edit the service file:
   sudo systemctl edit --force --full chatroom.service

Which will bring up an editor. So I started with this:-

Description=ChatRooms Daemon
After=network.target auditd.service



  1. Setup the folders used by the service Now I have to create the /usr/share/chatroom folder and get the build in there. A quick sudo mkdir /usr/share/chatroom gets us started. But I will also need a folder for the static elements of the front end build. So sudo mkdir /usr/share/chatroom/static will get the folders ready.

  2. Building the app and putting it in place. Back in the codebase and into the root folder and a cargo build --release and then dig out the app from the target/release folder and copy it to the folder setup for the service above. Also need to copy the config folder from the root of the project to the service folder sudo cp -r config/ /usr/share/chatroom/.

  3. Building the frontend and putting it in place We will need to build this first. I use pnpm for such things so a pnpm i in the frontend folder to install the required packages and then a pnpm build to get the frontend built to the frontend/dist folder. Which again we need to copy to the service folder /usr/share/chatroom. Then copy the dist folder across to the static folder we created for the front end earlier sudo cp -R dist/. /usr/share/chatroom/static.

  4. Testing the service. We should now have all of the files in place to start our service and see if it works.

Lets start it off with sudo systemctl enable --now chatroom.service and then lets see if it is working or not with systemctl status chatroom.service. On the first run I got an error message because I have not defined what I want the app to do when it runs. Loco apps require you to define what you want to do with the app like start or task. I want it to start so I need to change my service definition so lets sudo systemctl edit chatroom.service.

  1. Debugging and fixing Changed the service definiton file to
Description=ChatRooms Daemon
After=network.target auditd.service

ExecStart=/usr/share/chatroom/chat_rooms-cli start


So I restarted the service sudo restart chatroom.service. Still this fails but this time because the config file is looking for the frontend of the site in frontend/dist so we need to change the config file. The config file that gets distributed with the app is for development so I have created a production.yaml config file with some changes and then I need to put the app into production mode by doing a -e production when starting it. So need to make changes to the service definition file again.

So my final version of the service definition file is

Description=ChatRooms Daemon
After=network.target auditd.service

ExecStart=/usr/share/chatroom/chat_rooms-cli -e production start


And my production config file is:-

# Loco configuration file documentation

# Application logging configuration
  # Enable or disable logging.
  enable: true
  # Log level, options: trace, debug, info, warn or error.
  level: debug
  # Define the logging format. options: compact, pretty or Json
  format: compact
  # By default the logger has filtering only logs that came from your code or logs that came from `loco` framework. to see all third party libraries
  # Uncomment the line below to override to see all third party libraries you can enable this config and override the logger filters.
  # override_filter: trace

# Web server configuration
  # Port on which the server will listen. the server binding is{PORT}
  port: 3001
  # The UI hostname or IP address that mailers will point to.
  host: http://chat.dave-gill.co.uk
  # Out of the box middleware configuration. to disable middleware you can changed the `enable` field to `false` of comment the middleware block
    # Enable Etag cache header middleware
      enable: true
    # Allows to limit the payload size request. payload that bigger than this file will blocked the request.
      # Enable/Disable the middleware.
      enable: true
      # the limit size. can be b,kb,kib,mb,mib,gb,gib
      body_limit: 5mb
    # Generating a unique request ID and enhancing logging with additional information such as the start and completion of request processing, latency, status code, and other request details.
      # Enable/Disable the middleware.
      enable: true
    # when your code is panicked, the request still returns 500 status code.
      # Enable/Disable the middleware.
      enable: true
    # Timeout for incoming requests middleware. requests that take more time from the configuration will cute and 408 status code will returned.
      # Enable/Disable the middleware.
      enable: false
      # Duration time in milliseconds.
      timeout: 5000
      enable: true
      must_exist: true
        uri: "/"
        path: "static"
      fallback: "static/index.html"

My service is now running:-

dave@system76-pc:/usr/share/chatroom$ systemctl status chatroom.service
● chatroom.service - ChatRooms Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/chatroom.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-09-03 21:18:26 BST; 3s ago
   Main PID: 751333 (chat_rooms-cli)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 37981)
     Memory: 3.1M
        CPU: 7ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/chatroom.service
             └─751333 /usr/share/chatroom/chat_rooms-cli -e production start

Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:  ██████  █████   ███ █████   ▄▄▄ █████   ███ █████
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:  ██████  █████   ███  ████   ███ █████   ███ ████▀
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:    ▀▀▀██▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ██▀
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:        ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:                 https://loco.rs
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]: environment: production
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:      logger: debug
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]: compilation: release
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]:       modes: server
Sep 03 21:18:26 system76-pc chat_rooms-cli[751333]: listening on [::]:3001

  1. Making it public Now I need to get it setup so that the outside world can see it and for it to be part of my website.

I have added a new DNS entry to point chat.dave-gill.co.uk to my web server ip address. Now I need to arrange for my reverse proxy to pass that traffic through to my service I have just created. So I wont show this part so that I dont expose anything I dont want to. I then used certbot to create a certificate for the domain and the whole thing is setup and running. Except the fact that the frontend does not work and hits cors issues. Looking at the error it looks like it is because the frontend is setup to look for localhost. Which is a bit odd.

After digging around in the front end code I spotted that the domain name for the websocket was hardcoded so changed the code in frontend to take a env variable to define the ws url to use. Which was more difficult than I anticipated because Loco uses vite for the front end which I have never used it. And not it is working and available here and my repo with the code chages is here