So the first step in my new little project is to get a Matrix Homeserver up and running. Without one I can not start to build a client for it. So the only real choice with this was to use Synapse a Python based server. To do this I wanted to build it locally so that I can play and not interfere with anything else on the internet.
The ansible-docker playbook was too tempting for me to avoid so I thought I would start with that as it covered everything you would want to install to get things fully functional. Because I was trying to run this on my local machine and not on a server I had a few problems with this, the first of which was the version of Ansible I had on my laptop. I got quite far through the process and then hit a problem with certbot not being able to provide a certificate because it was unable to register. Now this had taken me a while to get this far and I suddenly realised I did not need the all singing all dancing implementation. 1 Because the project was supposed to be fun and the fun had stopped and 2 I was trying to build a client for the Homeserver and did not need everything else to do that, so I stopped on that track and just decide to install Synapse on its own locally.
This was as simple as following the instruction on the github repo for synapse. Once you have installed the pre-requisites you can get a prebuilt package. So I had Synapse installed (but not running) in a matter of minutes. Ran the config generator and started the server with zero problems ( Ok that’s a Lie. I had a mistype in one of the filenames). I then check on the local server to see if it was running.

So my next step was to create a user, again using the instructions from the github repo and I had a user. Now I have no idea what to do with it. The next stepis to learn the API and see if I can hack together a client of some sort.
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