New Project – 3

Now that I have Synapse running on my laptop I thought it would be good to start building out the client that I am going to try and build for it. I have been writing PHP code for a few years now and my initial thought and desire to get coding led me to start building the front end in PHP making use of Laravel.

In fact I got as far as putting together the register pages and the login pages. Not too difficult in Laravel, it provides tools to do most of the work for you. And then I went away for a couple of days without my laptop and left the idea to gestate a while. I then thought it would be better to write it in RUST. I have a plan to learn a new language each year and this year was RUST, so it would make sense to build it in the language I am trying to learn. Yes it will take a hell of a lot longer and will be more frustrating I am sure. But there are 2 major benefits, 1 The best way for me to really learn a language is to build something with it. 2 The finished result should be so much faster than the PHP version.

So I am going to start the code again in Rust.

While away I also thought of a name for the project which is just an Acronym of what I am trying to achieve by doing this. Generic Permission System or GMPS. I want to build something on top of the network that will allow an organisation to pick up the project and implement a network but with finer grained controlled of who can access what.

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